Time for Nature

Environmental Protection: restore what was lost

The environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect. – Mohith Agadi

We used to breathe fresh air, surrounded by greenery, and drink clear and clean water. The tables have now turned, and we can observe a significant difference between a clean and a polluted environment. We are dealing with many environmental issues, including flooding, climate change, deforestation, and pollution. The primary causes of these concerns are thrown rubbish and human misbehavior.

We want to restore what was lost; thus, we are aiming for a greener environment with grasses and big trees. Those grasses that have become concrete highways, those trees that have been planted in a beautiful area, have turned into enormous structures. Deforestation is the primary cause of this; individuals who unlawfully cut down trees for their convenience usually result in a landslide. These trees can prevent floods and combat global warming so, if people continue to do the same thing, it will disrupt the balance of its system, inflicting so much harm not only to our ecosystem but also to our manner of living. So, everyone must take part in environmental protection or volunteer in any organization that aims to retain and take initiatives for environmental conservation. The small things we do to protect our ecosystem have a positive outcome.

We must make a way to protect the environment by engaging the community in leading an environmentally conscious lifestyle. We need to establish an organization that will promote and aid various environmental activities. The organization that will be founded together with the individuals who will participate in it can serve as a model for other communities to organize similar activities to preserve the environment. The purpose of the said organization aims to help reduce waste around our surroundings.  Let us begin by conserving water, driving less and walking more, using less energy, purchasing recycled products, joining environmental groups to prevent air pollution, producing less waste, planting more trees, and many more. To avoid pollution: we must utilize environmentally friendly fuels, decrease the usage of chemical inputs, dispose of rubbish properly, and practice energy conservation. We may also engage individuals particularly those in the energy, agriculture, industrial, and manufacturing sectors, about keeping the environment clean and avoiding harmful smoke or activities that create environmental problems.

To achieve an environmentally conscious lifestyle, citizens must also be responsible for everything that they will do, especially if this has a negative impact. Citizens must also follow the government policies regarding the protection and prohibition of activities that affect our environment. We must also encourage other residents to take any action about improving and protecting our natural resources. One of these is planting trees because it will help us solve pollution and other environmental problems. Let’s also share our knowledge about protecting and resolving environmental issues such as being responsible, and disposing of waste in the right place. All citizens should also work together to solve these problems because if we all work together, we can solve them more easily. We must also understand that being environmentally friendly simply means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment. Let’s not wander around anymore: let’s take a step towards a better and healthier environment.

Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action! – Leonardo DiCaprio


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Zafar, S. (2020, December 18). 15 Inspirational Quotes on The Environment. Ecomena Organization. https://www.ecomena.org/inspirational-quotes-environment/

Forbes. Reducing Environmental Impact Is Now a Business Imperative. Retrieved November 06, 2021. https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fspecials-images.forbesimg.com%2Fimageserve%2F1167320716%2FEnvironment-recovering-and-Climate-change%2F960x0.jpg%3Ffit%3Dscale

Nestlé Global. Our commitments to safeguarding the environment. Retrieved November 06, 2021. https://www.nestle.com/sites/default/files/styles/da_vinci_header_hero_desktop/public/2021-03/csv20-ff6w3z-safeguarding-the-environment.jpg?h=b8626526&itok=yQPv3mQl

Clean Malaysia. Environmental Protection is both a Collective and Individual Duty. Retrieved November 06, 2021. https://cleanmalaysia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/kids-hands-holding-plants.jpg


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