This quarter, I've been on the trail

“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy- I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” – Art Williams

    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a technology that is used to handle communications processes such as telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

    This quarter's learning and discoveries include understanding more about the history and chronology of the internet. I also learned how it all began and what various inventions have been developing. The history of the Internet begins with the invention of the telephone. The lessons taught me about the web browser, servers, web pages, URLs, and much more. I also learned about internet servicing tools, data formats, and the fundamental components of the Internet. I've also learned about weblogs, sometimes known as blogs. This lesson showed me that blogs can be utilized for educational reasons since they can serve as a new learning platform. I also discovered how to efficiently use web search and search engines. I have also developed a better understanding of internet access and the various networks. Moreover, the lessons we've gained have given me even more awareness. It also showed me that this has a contribution and benefits to the economy.

    My academics have been additionally fraught with challenges. One of the difficulties I encountered was a poor signal and an insufficient internet connection. One of these is the tasks that are assigned. But as time passes, I'm becoming accustomed to it. To overcome these issues, we must be patient, continue to study, and complete all of the schoolwork assigned to us students, regardless of how terrible the connection is. As there are so many activities that must be accomplished and submitted, time management is essential. It is also beneficial for us to create a schedule to be more organized. It is also relevant to use our time correctly. It's also essential to avoid distractions like social media and video games.

   Moving on, I will do my best to accomplish all of my modules and participate in class. I'm going to study hard for the lessons we'll be discussing in the coming quarters. I will also be responsible for the actions I make that can have an impact on my learning. Lastly, no matter how difficult this school year is, I will not give up and will continue to fight so that I can attain my life's objectives and desires.    


Techopedia. Last Updated (2020, August 08).

Pinterest. Retrieved November 05, 2021.

ICT - Information and communication technology concept on virtual screen. Dreamstime. Retrieved November 05, 2021.


  1. Your blog is fantastic! I agree with you that we must correctly manage our time, and that it is also critical to create a routine in order to minimize distractions. I admire your bravery in fighting and surviving in the face of a pandemic or a new normal.

  2. Hi there! I really appreciate, what you have said and written in your blog. The messages that you want to emphasize are clear and it really made me inspired. Despite, the fact that some of our subjects are really hard, but we made our very best to do and accomplished them. First quarter is really great challenge that we have surpassed.

  3. I was really impress by the whole structure of your blog;the words used, phrases, sources,relevant of the photo to your topic.I totally agree with the saying you put in “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy- I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” and I love how you credit the author of it.Continue to strive and learn more Ms. Reburon!


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